PHP Objection Injection问题在这个链接看到了一个正则匹配绕过,不知道原理。感觉给出的payload中依然存在"O:"字符会被匹配到,自己实验了一下也会被匹配到,不知道是如何进行绕过的,可以请大佬讲解一下吗?

static public function safeUnserialize( $serialized )
        // unserialize will return false for object declared with small cap o
        // as well as if there is any ws between O and :
        if ( is_string( $serialized ) && strpos( $serialized, "\0" ) === false )
            if ( strpos( $serialized, 'O:' ) === false )
                // the easy case, nothing to worry about
                // let unserialize do the job
                return @unserialize( $serialized );
            else if ( ! preg_match('/(^|;|{|})O:[0-9]+:"/', $serialized ) )
                // in case we did have a string with O: in it,
                // but it was not a true serialized object
                return @unserialize( $serialized );
        return false;

看else if 的这个case的条件 = > O:[0-9]+:

然后用 O:+15

1 个赞


大哥你这是你自己带了+号,别人code snippet里面没有啊? 能仔细看看不

对不起😂是我蠢了,多谢师傅解答 看看这个,非常有趣哦,可能会给你带来新思路,上面这个绕过7.2以后就不行了 )